Sleek and Stylish

It’s not uncommon for a space to require you to step up your design game. This chic sunken living room in the Chelsea Gardens building took us back to an age of black and white and we were thrilled to accommodate it. With its sleek black floors and iron casement windows this apartment just begged for an Eames chair, bovine rug and a proper stocked bar. We half expected Nick and Nora Charles to walk through the door any minute.

There is nothing more regal than stepping into a room. To enhance this level of design we chose authentic art pieces from artists such as Renee Philips and several other established artists. Unique lighting is also a trademark Return on Design strategy. While fixtures stay with a property they always help change a look and increase value both though their aesthetic but also by putling quality light on the subject.

The newly renovated kitchen needed very little but always small elements help bring a room to life. The oversized entrance also didn’t need much but a vintage phone and World Cup poster helped project a global jet set lifestyle. Summers in Barcelona anyone?

“You can never keep it simple enough” has always been our unspoken rule, and this spacious bedroom would easily fit a king-sized bed. Since our vision is to maximize the space, we went with a bed fit for a queen and added a voluptuous plant in one corner and an Eames rocker in the other. Simple artwork adorns the main wall to allow for the buyer’s imagination to take them where they want to go.